Our Approach

We have a unique approach of scheduling the SHIFT, not just the employee. Filling open shifts is the real issue – providing automated tools that empower employees and assist managers in filling existing shifts, new shifts, unpopular shifts, special event shifts, any shift – is the solution! We provide the automated tools and your employees are now part of the process (and accountable) and your managers can sleep at night and spend their day hours working to increase your customer service and revenues.

Software as a Service (SaaS) is the future

For one low, monthly charge, let the people that built the application and know it best, run it for you. This eliminates the need for buying the software and hardware to run it on, expensive technical staff to support it and annual maintenance fees, etc., etc. We give you painless, free upgrades and you can turn on functionality and modules when you need them, as you need them, on demand.

Simplicity = Easy to Use = Greater Adoption and ROI

We know workforce management and what features and functionality actually are needed in scheduling and filling open shifts online, and just as importantly, which features don't work or don't provide real value. We are all tired of over-built software with every bell and whistle included (when was the last time you used all of the features of Excel and Word?) that just make the application more confusing to use and implement. Providing the features you really need makes the software easier to use, and that leads to people actually using it, leading to quicker adoption organization wide, which creates quicker return on your investment, and reduces training time and support costs.


  • Fill open shifts and schedule your workforce online and real time
  • Reduce overtime and temporary labor costs
  • Save money and time lost to managerial hours spent scheduling
  • Increase competitiveness, empower and retain the best people, and let them help you fill your open shifts
  • Profit from more efficient multi-location scheduling, borrowing and sharing employees to fill open shifts
  • Enable effective decision-making with instant visibility of locations, shifts & schedules, employees, risk areas and budget/cost impacts
  • Easy to implement and use, leading to greater adoption and return on investment


  • Accessible to all of your employees via the web 24/7
  • Empower employees with online tools to request when and where they work to fill open shifts
  • Improve employee satisfaction with a level playing field, as all employees are notified of shifts equally via email and text messages
  • Ease the burden on managers and increase job satisfaction
  • Easy and fun to use, including open shift requesting, PTO and shift swapping